The Titans Ethos
Learning is computer based which means that every student goes at their own pace, encouraged, guided and supported by their expert tutor.
The Titans tutor aims to make learning easy, comfortable and engaging by recognising each student’s individual learning obstacles and finding ways to overcome these. In addition, by helping the student to develop a habit of self-analysis and gently encouraging independent learning, by the end of any course, each student goes away with a great sense of pride in their own achievement and will also be very aware of how to progress efficiently.
Thank you for all the effort and patience you've put into getting him touch typing. It's certainly starting to pay off in terms of confidence and progress at school.Mother of Nick, aged 10
I'd like to thank you, on behalf of my brother and myself, for teaching us how to touch type and improving our speed and accuracy. It has really helped us to get projects and essays done quicker so that they don't drag on, and also put us one step ahead of our friends!Zachary, aged 13
Course Aims
Touch typing is a physical skill and like any physical skill, being good at it has less to do with your intelligence or memory and more to do with how many hours you commit to it and how effectively you practice.
At 30 words per minute with at least 90% accuracy, it is recognised that touch typing becomes a skill that is both automatic and with you for life – like riding a bike. As a very general rule of thumb, it takes approximately 20-25 hours to learn to touch type to this level.
All Touch Type Titans courses are designed to ensure EVERY student goes away with the ability to touch type i.e. to be able to use all their fingers to type all the letters and the regularly used punctuation without the need to look at the keyboard. The speed that each student attains by the end of a course will depend on many factors including their age, ability to focus, and the severity of any learning difficulty such as dyslexia.
Speed development
Touch Type Titans aims to keep lessons, and therefore the cost of learning, to a minimum. In the 15 hours of lessons (term time lessons) or 12.5 hours (holiday intensive courses), students learn how to touch type; gaining the fluency and speed to hit the 30wpm target is achieved with practice outside lessons.
Touch Type Titans gives detailed and individual guidance on how and what to practice either with 10 minutes a day between lessons (on the 10 week courses) or with a few hours of work after the course (on the intensive courses).
For those who struggle with home practice, an additional course can be a great way to reach target speed. Parents are often astonished at the amount their child recalls, even after long gaps between courses, and where one course has not been sufficient to make the skill entirely easy and automatic, a second almost always does the trick.
A student returning to develop their skill will learn alongside complete beginners; their tutor will ensure they revise quickly, if necessary, and then move on from the learning point they previously reached. The awe they are held in, by the beginners, for their superior skill, is always a delight to see and serves to encourage both the beginners AND the returning students.
Henry has been practicing every day and is now 41wpm with 95% accuracyMother of Henry aged 12
Ollie is now typing at 33 words per minute with 98% accuracy consistently. He has not been doing it every day as we went away a couple of times but I would say 10 mins, 4 days a week when we were home.Mother of Oliver, aged 13(following a summer intensive week)
I had been quite apprehensive about sending them on a course in their half term. I needn't have worried - as soon as I picked them up after the first session, I could tell they were going to enjoy it. They had a great time and I am really impressed at how much progress they made during their time with you.Mother of Hugo, aged 10 and Isabelle, aged 9(following Oct half-term intensive week)
Excellent, fun software
Touch Type Titans uses, predominantly, a software programme developed by an Educational Psychologist. It is, as you would imagine, extremely child-centred and also strangely addictive. Children are thoroughly engaged as they work their way through it, surprised and amused by different activities and rewards as they go.
The Titans tutor guides the student through the programme in the most efficient way possible, staging learning into manageable lessons and ensuring that learning is reinforced with, for instance, computer games and that speed is developed appropriately and without stress.
The English used in the programme is carefully linked to the Key Stages in the National Curriculum. For children aged 7-12, therefore, this programme can also be a really useful tool to develop reading and spelling.
Touch Type Titans understands that, desirable though the skill is, touch typing may not be at the top of any child’s list of enjoyable extra-curricula activites! For this reason, in addition to the computer programme rewards, there is a Titans incentive scheme (non-edible) that encourages each student to put in full effort both in class and at home, in competition with no one but themselves.
Each child practices to improve their accuracy and speed and this effort and the resulting achievements are recognised with various Titan rewards.
Whilst all the children fully understand, by the end of the course, that being able to use a keyboard super-efficiently is their greatest reward, these incentives add an element of fun along the way and help with the necessary self-discipline required to get there…..and to do so happily and with enthusiasm!
Adults who wish to learn alongside their children (private courses/lessons only) take part in the incentive scheme too. Here is an opportunity to discover your inner-child!
Julian really enjoyed his typing lessons and was very proud to have acheived high results and his voucher - he's already put it towards a keyboard! You can see he is keen 😉Mother of Julian, aged 10